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    8 Ways to Increase Traffic to Financial Advisor Blog imagery

    8 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Financial Advisor Blog

    As a financial advisor, you know that having a blog is a great way to engage with prospects and current clients. Original content not only builds brand awareness and shows that you’re an expert in your field, but it also provides valuable information that helps people make informed financial decisions. But generating traffic and leads to your financial advisor blog can be tricky—especially if you’re just starting. Here are eight tips to steer more traffic to your blog.

    1. Optimize your articles for search engines

    One of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your blog is through search engines. This means ensuring your articles are optimized to rank highly in search results for relevant keywords. Some ways to optimize your blogs for search engines include:

    • Making each blog article about one key topic and trying to cover only a few related topic areas in general on your blog.
    • Using long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific and less competitive than short-tail keywords. For example, “financial advisor blog” is a long-tail keyword, while “financial advisor” is a short-tail keyword. By targeting long-tail keywords, you may have a better chance of ranking highly in search results and driving traffic to your blog.
    • Using descriptive and keyword-rich article titles, URLs, and headings.
    • Incorporating relevant keywords in the body of your blog posts.
    • Using keyword-rich alt tags to describe images.
    • Using SEO widgets or plugins to populate title tags and meta descriptions (i.e., what search engines show in search engine results pages).
    • Link to other related topics on your blog using keyword-rich “anchor text” (the hyperlinked words that take you elsewhere on the site – avoid ‘click here’).
    • Ensuring your posts and blog page load quickly and meet web best practices (search for Core Web Vitals to see more).
    • Optimize your blog for mobile: More and more people are accessing the internet via their smartphones, so it’s important to make sure your blog is optimized for mobile and uses a responsive design.

    2. Use internal linking

    Internal linking is the practice of linking to other pages on your website within your blog posts. This helps to keep readers on your site longer and can also help improve your search engine rankings. Also, make sure to create a sitemap and submit it to search engines. This allows search engine crawlers to navigate around your blog and understand the semantic meaning of what you’re covering and the domain in which you’re trying to demonstrate authority.

    3. Use external linking

    In addition to internal linking, consider linking to external sources within your blog posts. This can add credibility to your content and help drive traffic to your site from the external sources you link to. More importantly, it shows search engines how your content connects across a topic.

    4. Create shareable content

    The more people who see your blog, the more traffic you’ll get. One way to increase the reach of your blog is to create content that is easy to share. This can include creating visually appealing graphics or infographics, using catchy headlines, and including social sharing buttons on your blog.

    5. Promote your blog on social media

    Social media can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your blog. Share links to your blog posts on your social media profiles and encourage your network to share them with their followers.

    6. Use email marketing

    If you have a list of email subscribers, use it to your advantage by sending out regular newsletters that include links to your latest blog posts. Keep an eye on your click-through rates to see what’s working. One insightful article that solves a prospect’s problem can be enough to restart a dormant conversation.

    7. Engage with other content creators in your industry

    Building relationships with other content creators in your industry can help you drive traffic to your blog. Like, comment, and share other content that adds value for your target audience and is related to what you specialize in. Participate in industry-specific forums and online LinkedIn or Facebook groups to build your network and get your name out there. You can also consider guest blogging on other websites to reach a new audience and drive traffic back to your blog.

    8. Utilize paid advertising

    While organic traffic is important, you may want to consider using paid advertising to drive traffic to your blog. Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other platforms allow you to target specific demographics, geographies, and interests, making it easier to reach potential clients who are interested in your services. Start by boosting Facebook posts, which show your social posts to a much broader audience you set. You can start with a super small budget: $10-20 is enough to get thousands of new eyes on your brand.

    Beyond AUM helps financial advisors put their best foot forward in the digital space. Whether you’re just getting started with blog writing or have years of archived content, generating quality blog content is just the first step. Equally as important is making sure that people see it. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, financial advisors can increase traffic to their blogs and take their businesses to the next level. And if you could use some extra help, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to help you develop a solid strategy that works for your firm.