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    how to create a client newsletter

    Creating a Newsletter That Clients and Prospects Will Actually Read

    Let’s face it: we live in an over-communicated age. If earlier decades were an information desert, our current culture is an information rain-forest by comparison. You, your clients, and your prospects are inundated daily by the latest headlines and opinions on everything from politics to home decorating, with pictures of kittens and puppies tossed in for good measure. But, as we also recognize, not much of that information tidal wave is accurate or authoritative.

    As a professional financial advisor, you want to stay in touch with clients and prospects, and you want to do it in a way that advances your professionalism and positions you as a valuable resource. A well-designed email newsletter is one of the most cost-effective and time-efficient ways to do that, but it is vital that your offering not be perceived as just another candidate for the spam folder. Consider these tips for making your newsletter stand out and actually get read by clients and prospective clients.

    1. Leverage your branding. You want the visual impact of your newsletter to immediately bring your firm to mind when it hits your addressees’ in-box. Consider everything from your subject line to the way your firm name appears when the message is received. When addressees click on the message, the newsletter’s graphics should offer a consistent, branded look: your picture, a logo, and other graphic elements that readers will automatically associate with you and your firm.

    2. Use color and images — sparingly. According to a recent survey by Constant Contact, too many images can distract from your intended message and actually decrease click-through rates. On the other hand, the right images can reinforce your message and the perceived value of your brand.

    3. Build a template and use it. The font of the main text, the quantity and positioning of images and other graphics, your use of links to related information — all of this should have a consistent look and feel in each newsletter. This goes back to the importance of leveraging and reinforcing your brand.

    4. Emphasize information, not promotion. Remember the purpose of your newsletter: to encourage clients and prospective clients to see you as a valuable, dependable resource. Consider topics that they are likely to be interested in. Every article doesn’t have to relate directly to financial planning or advising: cybersecurity, higher education, and even human-interest or certain DIY tips can be good to include for variety and interest, and, especially in the current environment, health and safety tips are often highly appreciated. With email newsletters, it’s easy to include links to related articles, reports, and authoritative documents. Just be sure you know where you’re sending your readers: vet your sources and links to avoid the appearance of advocating unreliable, biased, or dated sources.

    5. Include a contact button and a call to action. Especially in the case of prospective clients, you want to convert interest in your topic into an opportunity to connect. Make sure your readers can find your “digital front door.” Your call to action can be a link to a recent article on your website, a registration link for an upcoming webinar, or a client-ready article or video from an affiliated provider. Just keep it consistent and make it relevant to the main content of your newsletter.

    As always, keep your purpose in mind. Some common reasons include: added service value, information, engagement of other digital channels, or easy sharing / referring. Everything in your newsletter should have a purpose. If you need help creating a content marketing strategy including email marketing, give us a shout at .